Photovoltaic Solar System Components
Photovoltaic Solar System Components
When purchasing a photovoltaic solar system, make sure to ask the contractor about the components you will received. This includes the brand, price, warrenty, and utility solar rebates/goverment solar rebates. Certain brands do not qualify for the complete rebate.
A photovoltaic solar panel system require 2 components to operate. These include:
- Solar Panel Array
- Inverter
A solar panel array is made of multiple photovoltaic solar panels. They work in unison to create electricity for a home or small business. Solar panels are typically installed on roofs or the sides of large buildings to maximize sun exposure. The photovoltaic solar panels convert ultraviolet (UV) light into electricity. The electricity produced by the solar panels is direct current (DC), and must be converted into alternating current (AC), the type flowing through American homes.
Quality solar panels have a long warrenty period (over 15 years) and a good efficiency (8-20%).
Inverters convert direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). Inverters are the component of a solar system that require the most frequent replacement. Inverters last an average of 10 years, but compared with the overall cost of a solar system, inverters are relatively inexpensive. Since inverters are prone to replacement, make sure to purchase a quality inverter. A quality inverter will last the longest period of time.