Typical Online PV Solar Classes
The development of the new, lucrative solar industry excites the minds of entrepreneurs. In order to thrust their ideas forward, entrepreneurs need an educated workforce. Many organizations have stepped up to the challenge by providing quality solar installation classes, but few solar classes provide practical sales experience required for the solar industry.
A typical solar class covers:
- Art and understanding of energy independence through
- Solar
- Wind
- Hydro
- Solar fundamentals
- What electricity is
- How solar panels produce electricity
- Solar equipment
- Solar panels
- Inverters
- Wiring
- Solar system design
- Shading
- Arrangement of panels
- Wiring
- azimuth
- Solar system installation
- Solar system monitoring
- Locating electricity-production errors
- Finding a defective panel
- When to replace an inverter
- Solar system repairs
Why is it important to provide quality solar sales classes? Many solar sales professionals do not fully understand what they need to sell solar: reading an electric bill, determining the amount of electricity a solar system needs to produce, pricing a system, and factoring in rebates, determining return on investment.
Worst of all, many solar sales professionals cannot explain this information to a homeowner (which is vital to making a solar sale). This is why solar sales classes and training are vital. One company, Rich Hessler Solar, provides a course that emphasizes selling a system to solar prospects. The solar class teaches the fundamentals of solar, how to price a system with rebates (and includes a FREE Excel solar calculator), how to present solar (with a FREE customizable presentation), how to handle common objections in the presentation, and to close the deal.
When choosing a solar class, be certain to choose a class that provides both practical experience and background knowledge.
Labels: bill, electric, quality, solar, solar class, solar classes, solar sales class, solar system
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